Effects of a hemispherectomy: The result of a hemispherectomy will be hemiplegia, which is weakness down one side of the body. Each half of the brain controls movement in the opposite half of the body, for example the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. So if a hemispherectomy is performed on the right side of the brain, the result will be left sided weakness.
The brain can recover well following a hemispherectomy despite the severity of the procedure. However, because one side of the body will be weaker, the child may compensate by using the stronger side of their body for most functional activities and neglect to use their weaker side.
Rehabilitation following hemispherectomy: Constraint induced movement therapy can help to improve the weakness caused by a hemispherectomy by providing an intensive period of time to focus on the affected side and improve the strength, dexterity and amount of use of the arm.
Constraint induced movement therapy has been shown to achieve meaningful results that will last and allows the child to use their affected side in everyday life. If your child has had a hemispherectomy and you would like to discuss CIMT further, contact us for a free telephone consultation with one of our specialist CIMT therapists.