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Evidence Base

CIMT for adults following stroke:

Taub, E. et al (1993). Technique to improve chronic motor deficit after stroke. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 74, 347–354

Taub, E. et al (2006) A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for Upper Extremity After Stroke. Stroke 37: 1045 - 1049

Wolf et al (2006) Effect of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy on Upper Extremity Function 3 to 9 Months After Stroke: The EXCITE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 2006—Vol 296, No. 17

Cortical reorganisation following CIMT:

Liepert J, el at (2000) Treatment-induced cortical reorganization after stroke in humans. Stroke 31:1210-1216.

Levy CE et al (2001) Functional MRI evidence of cortical reorganization in upper-limb stroke hemiplegia treated with Constraint-Induced Movement therapy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 80:4-12.

Juenger et al (2007) Cortical neuromodulation by constraint-induced movement therapy in congenital hemiparesis: an FMRI study. Neuropediatrics. 38(3):130-6

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I don’t live in the UK – is this a problem?

Not at all. Many of our patients travel from all over the UK and beyond to work with us. We can provide you with local information, accommodation suggestions and advice on location – just ask!

If you are based in America, why not contact the founding clinic in Alabama? (www.uabmedicine.org/patient-care/treatments/ci-therapy)

A CIMT patient uses a cloth with her weaker hand to imitate everday situations

CIMT for children:

Taub et al (2004) Efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy for children with cerebral palsy with asymmetric motor impairment. Pediatrics. 113(2):305-12

Case-Smith, J. et al (2012). Multicenter randomized controlled trial of pediatric constraint-induced movement therapy: 6-month follow-up. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 15–23.

CIMT for other neurological conditions

Shaw et al (2005) Constraint-induced movement therapy for recovery of upper-limb function following traumatic brain injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 42, (6):769–778

Lee, K S et al (2011) Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Improves Fine and Gross Motor Performance of the Upper Limb in Parkinson Disease. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 90 (5): 380-386

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Why 3 hours a day?

Most of the evidence covers 6 hours a day in clinic, but similar results have been found with 3 hours a day plus home practice. We feel 3 hours is enough intensity to drive changes, without being over-tiring. With no therapy intervention, studies show the results are not as significant.

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