“Therapists made him feel really relaxed and made us feel very relaxed with a process as well.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
Alistair struggled with movement and control in his thumb, arm and shoulder making his movements laboured and slow. Struggling with ‘pincer grip’ between finger and thumb made it difficult to orientate his hand around small objects and toys. He generally showed a strong preference to his right hand side and over the next 3 weeks, we worked together to make a meaningful difference for Alistair.
“Therapists made him feel really relaxed and made us feel very relaxed with a process as well.” - Helen, Alistair’s mum.
“He is such a happy little chap and it's great watching his CIMT journey back again”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“To see him playing so beautifully with both hands together is just incredible.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“The therapists have been brilliant, they’ve been brilliant with Alistair and they’ve been brilliant with us. They’ve made him feel really relaxed and they’ve made us feel really relaxed”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“Therapists made him feel really relaxed and made us feel very relaxed with a process as well.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
"We are really happy with the results, he has got a lot more movement in his left hand and now able to play with toys using both hands"Glynn, Alistair’s Dad.
“Alistair was a pleasure to work with, I really admired his determination at such a young age. Alistair and I had lots of fun and giggles playing with Duplo and the cash register.”Nikki, Alistair’s Therapist.
It’s been a benefit outside of fine motor skills, we’ve noticed his eating improved...he’s more chatty...he can do things now with his left hand that he definitely couldn’t manage before."Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“Alistair was really happy to play with therapists while we sat back and I think it says everything, that actually even with his hand, cast and arm you would think he would be more uncomfortable but he wasn't.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“It has been intense and emotional at times but the therapists helped us get through it.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
Having the cast on for 24 hours a day for 3 weeks, has allowed Alistair to focus on only using his affected arm in activities, and increase his awareness of his left upper limb. This stimulates the formation of new pathways for movement, which “rewires” the brain - this means that a larger part of the brain becomes active when producing movement of the weaker arm.
Learn MoreThe static posture of the non-affected side in the cast further assisted to reduce tone in Alistair’s left arm and hand consequently promoting functional use. The high intensity and repetitive use of Alistair’s affected upper limb over a relatively short period of time had produced a lasting change.
Nikki Owen - Paediatric Physiotherapist
“It has been intense and emotional at times but the therapists helped us get through it.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
"We are obviously going to keep up the principles of CIMT, it’s great that we get a removeable cast to use at home - it makes sense to keep that momentum as he is used to that cast now.”Helen, Alistair’s Mum.
“Alistair was a pleasure to work with, I really admired his determination at such a young age. Alistair and I had lots of fun and giggles playing with Duplo and the cash register. I will always remember the look of joy he had when he succeeded in making the toy sheep wiggle, it brought a tear to my eye. Moments like that are the reason I love CIMT.” - Nikki
Learn More“Alistair and I had lots of fun and giggles playing with Duplo and the cash register.” - Nikki
Nikki Owen - Paediatric Physiotherapist
"We are really happy with the results, he has got a lot more movement in his left hand and now able to play with toys using both hands."Glynn, Alistair’s Dad.
Call us on 0330 223 0077 or email office@cimt.co.uk to speak to
one of our specialist CIMT therapists.
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