“When I found out about CIMT and after reading the testimonials I was adamant to get him on a programme. I felt like it was exactly what he needed!”Hannah, Reggie's Mum.
Reggie struggled to achieve functional movement and control of his right arm. Reggie also struggled with consistent grasp and release and keeping objects in his hand. Reggie showed a strong preference to his left side and throughout the programme, we worked on increasing awareness in use of his right arm to make a meaningful difference.
“The whole team were really good at keeping Reggie engaged and suggesting different activities.” - Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
“The team were incredible! Ruth is a very very special person and we love her!”Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
“We get physio and OT sessions at home but they are few and fare between. I really felt like Reggie was ready to move forward with certain things but was being held back.”Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
“Everything has been amazing I am super super happy!”Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
“My advice for other parents would be - go for it! Even if it’s just a slight improvement that’s worth it!”Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
CIMT involves constraining the stronger arm in a lightweight cast and completing rehab of the weaker arm and hand, which for children is undertaken through play and meaningful functional activities. Having the cast on for 4 weeks has allowed Reggie to focus on only using his affected arm in activities which increases awareness of his right upper limb. This helps to stimulate formation of new pathways for movement and in turn helps to rewire the brain.
Learn MoreThe high intensity and repetitive use of Reggie’s affected upper limb over a relatively short period of time had produced lasting changes not only in the amount and quality of movement of his weaker arm and hand but within activities involving both hands.
Ruth - Reggie's Therapist
“Reggie loved coming in every morning, there was never an issue and he was always excited to see what toys and things we’d be doing that day.”Hannah, Reggie’s mum.
"CIMT helped him in many ways. I guess the main thing would be independence Reggie now has.”Hannah, Reggie’s mum .
Reggie was so much fun to work with! We, therapists, thought hard to make activities enjoyable for him whilst developing the skills he needed to improve functional use of his right hand and arm. Reggie's has persevered in using his right hand within challenging activities which he can be successful in completing. This has resulted in improvements in real world use of his right hand over the course of his 4 week programme with improvements continuing at home after CIMT is completed!
Learn MoreReggie was so much fun to work with!
Ruth - Reggie's Therapist
Call us on 0330 223 0077 or email office@cimt.co.uk to speak to
one of our specialist CIMT therapists.
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